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What is Hair Dusting For Getting Rid of Split Ends: Is it Good For Your Hair

What is Hair Dusting For Getting Rid of Split Ends

If you are looking to grow your hair but don’t want to trim your hair so that your hair length keeps on growing then hair dusting is the solution you need so that you can manage your split ends. In this article we will cover what is hair dusting for getting rid of split ends and whether it is good or bad for your hair and how to do hair dusting at home for all hair types

What is Hair Dusting For Getting Rid of Split Ends?

Hair Dusting is not a hair cut nor it is a hair trim but rather it is a technique in which you snip off your split ends and damaged hair taking care to do this for each strand of your hair the advantage of this technique is that you don’t reduce the length of your hair while getting rid of all the hair damage. Hair dusting can be done easily at home for all kinds of hair types and textures and will help your hair look good while you are growing out your hair.

Is Hair Dusting good or bad for your hair?

Hair Dusting is very good for your hair as it allows you to get rid of split ends and damage to your hair while allowing you to keep your hair length. If you don’t get rid of split ends it will lead to a lot of hair breakage and these broken hairs will lead to more difficulties in growing your hair. It is a very convenient solution for people who are looking at growing out their hair and don’t want to get hair trimmed or hair cut and the best part is it can be done at home.

How to Do Hair Dusting at Home

You can easily do hair dusting for all types of hair at home but if you are not comfortable you can get it done with a hair stylist at a salon also.

How to Do Hair Dusting For Straight Hair

  1. The First step to dusting your straight hair is to make sure that you detangle,  smoothen and dry your hair
  2. Part your hair into different sections and clip them and make sure you work on one section at a time.
  3. Highlight your split ends by either twisting your hair or wrapping the hair section between your fingers tightly.
  4. Cut the split ends taking care to remove a quarter of an inch at the most you can use hair shears or scissors.
  5. Keep on doing the steps to each section of your hair until all split ends have been removed.

How to Do Hair Dusting For Curly Hair

  1. The easiest way to attempt hair dusting is to try it on hair that has been blow-dried, blown out, and straightened but if you keep your hair dry you can do this on curly hair also.
  2. As always the emphasis is on parting and sectioning the hair using clips and then working on one section at a time.
  3. First, stretch your curls by holding your hair section tight and wrapping the hair section on your finger to make your split ends more visible so that they are easier to cut.
  4. Trim the split ends taking care to remove only a quarter of an inch at the most you can use hair shears which are more precise or scissors.
  5. Keep on repeating the process of stretching your curls and cutting off the split ends for all sections of your hair.

How to Do Hair Dusting For Type 4 Hair

  1. Make sure that your hair is dry so that your split ends are visible it is not necessary to straighten the hair before dusting.
  2. As always part and section your hair using clips and make sure that you work with one section at a time.
  3. First, take a section of hair and keep it wrapped around using your middle finger and then pull it tight using your other fingers so that split ends become visible.
  4. Slide your hands over the hair and snip off the split ends taking care to remove only a quarter of an inch at the most you can use hair shears which are more precise or scissors.
  5. Keep repeating the process for all the sections of your hair.

Hair Dusting Benefits

  1. Hair dusting has the main benefit of getting rid of split ends which in turn prevents further splitting of hair and hair breakage. While a split end might not lead to a completely broken strand of hair you will still see multiple broken pieces of hair which makes your hair frizzy.
  2. Hair dusting is also an economical substitute for getting hair trimming done as you can have longer gaps between two trimming sessions.
  3. Every time you get your hair trimmed you lose hair length and sometimes even more than what you expect in such cases you will find hair dusting is a great way to preserve your hair length.
  4. Hair Dusting is DIY and can easily be done in the comfort of your home.

How Often Should Hair Dusting be done?

Most hairstylists recommend hair dusting should be done every 8 to 10 weeks instead of getting a haircut or a regular hair trim. You should however know that if you are heavily into hair styling and you use a lot of products on your hair then you may have more split ends and you should get hair dusting done earlier maybe in 4 to 6 weeks.

Does Hair Dusting Thin your hair?

Hair Dusting will not thin out your hair rather it will help your hair look better and more voluminous in the long term as you are getting rid of all the damage in your hair.

Hair Dusting vs Trimming Your Hair

A routine Hair trimming can reduce the length of your hair by a couple of inches while hair dusting will ensure that you may lose maybe a maximum of a quarter of an inch or sometimes not even that as it is only intended to remove the split ends. You can think of hair dusting as something of a baby haircut. Hair dusting is focused only on getting rid of split ends while hair trimming is intended to maintain the look and shape of your hair while at the same time getting rid of split ends.

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